Home Video Creation How to Create a Video Preset

How to Create a Video Preset

Last updated on May 19, 2023

You can find the video for this article here: https://hify.io/v/How-to-Create-Sample-Video-Preset/

To get bulk video creation in sheets need to create a sample video, and create a preset to set up all elements in this phase.

  1. First, login into the HIFY Extension.

  2. On the dashboard find the "Create New" button on the top right of the extension.

  3. Below it is the empty space where your saved video presets will go in a list.

  4. At the bottom, you will be able to see a section where you will be able to see a video list that you created along with the video status and a number of actions that you can perform on them such as Open, Share, Download, and Delete.

  5. To create a preset, click on the "Create New" button. It will open a page where you will have to select a template. The default template is “Sales Video Generic”. Select it and it will open a form-like template with the following parts included in it.

Advanced Section:

Once the form is loaded you should click on the advanced setting option on the top left.

In this part, you can set your video title, video slug, CTA script, video quality, and thumbnail options.

  1. Video Quality:

    The first thing you will see here is the video quality. Default settings are set to 720p but you can click on it and select the quality from the available list.

  2. Video Title:

    You can set the video title as something like "Video for {{First Name}}" where the first name will be replaced by the name of the person you are reaching out to.

  3. Video Slug:

    The video slug is basically the URL of the video. Video slug will take place in the URL as "https://hify.io/v/{{Video Slug}}".

    You can choose the video slug of your choices such as the first name or the full name or the company name or let it stay blank for a random slug.

    Make sure the values that you put in the brackets “{{ }}” are the headers of the columns you are selecting (case sensitive).

  4. Smart Render:

    You will see the option called "Smart Render" next. What this option actually does is that it recreates only the audio AI part and clips the rest of the already uploaded video with it rather than uploading and creating it again and again. Hence saving the processing time. Without it turned on, the video will be recreated again and again and uploaded as a whole. That will consume more processing time and will use more render minutes than the actual video time.

  5. Video Thumbnail:

    Then after that, there are two switch buttons for the thumbnail of the video that can be seen as "Gif Thumbnail" and "Add Play Icon on Thumbnail". The first button creates a gif from the video while the second one adds a play icon on the video screen.

    After that, you can select the position of the gif thumbnail from the video. For example: if you want any specific part of the video to be shown as the gif thumbnail you can simply add its time frame there like 7 or 13 seconds of the video. Or if you want the start of the video to be shown on the thumbnail you can simply put the value “0” in it.

  6. Video Script:

    The next thing that you will see on the form is "Attach Script". This is usually used to add a CTA link to the video. This could be your calendar link or your public profile link.

    To add this, you have to click on the “Attach Script” button. After that, you will be asked to attach a script. If you have already created one, you can simply select it from there. If you don’t have any script then you can simply click on the “click here” hyperlink on the screen to create a new script It will redirect you to the storage page. Or you can go directly to app.emeezo.com and go to "File Storage". This will redirect you to the storage page where you will see the "Scripts" option.

    Open it and Create a new script by clicking on the button "Create Script" on the top right. Now you should name your script and make it publicly viewable by clicking on the "Public" button. Copy the embedded link to your calendar or any link you want to add and paste it into the script and then save it.

    Now go back to the extension and click on the “Attach Script” button and select your saved script.

Variables Section:


The first thing that you will see in this section is the video header. This basically shows a video partition and the number of partitions that you are working on. You can add up to 10 videos to join using the extension.


The first thing that comes under this heading is the Video URL box. Here you will add the video from your app storage. You can see the folder icon beneath the box. Click on it and select the drive and the file from your app’s cloud storage.

Or, if you don't have any video uploaded, you can directly record one using the button right next to the folder icon on the app.

Once you have recorded or uploaded the video, you will be able to see a video link in the video URL box.


Below that, there will be a minimized sub-section of background.

You will be able to see the following parts in it:

  • URL box

  • Upload button, Record button, Capture button

  • Animation options (none, zoom, scroll)

  • Animation Speed

  • Video size

  1. URL box:

    The background URL box is a box similar to the video URL box. You can either choose the background from the file storage icon below the URL box, or you can record a video background from the record button next to it. Or, if you want to add a webpage as a background, the capture option will come in handy in that case.

  2. Capture Button:

    To capture a webpage as a background image click on the capture icon below the URL box, which is the rightmost icon. After clicking on it you will see a button saying “Fullpage Capture”. Clicking on that button will capture the webpage that you are on.

    If you want to capture any webpage other than the one that you are currently on, simply go to that webpage and simply scroll down to the background options and capture it from there. (Note: Do not close the page you were previously working on).

    Once you have captured the background, you can simply copy its URL and paste it into the URL box on the tab where you were previously working.

  3. Animation Options:

    After that, you can select its animation style (if you want to animate it). there are two basic styles available. Zoom & Scroll.

    • Scroll:

      The Scroll feature will scroll the background Image or Video at the speed that you specify below such as 0.3, 0.5, 1, 1.7, and so on. If the specified speed is greater than 1, the background will scroll down to the bottom and then start scrolling from the top again to the mentioned fractional part within the given time frame of the video. For example, a value of 1.3 in the “Animation Speed” box will once scroll the image or video to the bottom completely and then scroll the 0.3 part of the Image or Video again from the top. If the value for Scroll is smaller than 1, then it will only scroll to that fractional part of the Image or the Video.

    • Zoom:

      The Zoom feature zooms the Background to the top left position of the Image or Video. We recommend keeping its animation speed value less than 1 (somewhere between 0 and 1), it can be adjusted according to its playback time.

  4. Animation Speed:

    Animation speed is basically the speed of the animations you applied to the background. The default value for it is 1. You can increase or decrease this speed according to your needs.

  5. Video Size:

    After adjusting the speed, you will be asked to enter the video size. This is the size of the video on the screen in the foreground. The basic size is 1 which covers the whole screen and the default size setting in the app is 0.35. This means that it will cover the 0.35th part of the screen and show the background on the remaining portion of the screen. You can increase or decrease its size depending on what seems fit to you.

(Note: The background part is optional. If you want to add it, you can follow the above steps but if you want to keep it simple, you can simply let it stay blank and move to the next part.)


Once you are done with the background part, the next section that you will see is the video runtime section under the heading “Options”. This heading has 3 sub-headings that are as follows:

  • Duration:

    First, we will discuss the “Duration” section. This part allows you to control the starting & ending points of the video that you have uploaded or selected in your extension. These time frames are of the video that you uploaded (in File Storage) and not of the video that is going to be created (Final Video). So if you want to patch or add any other video to it, you have to add the time values according to it.

  • Chroma Key:

    Below the duration boxes is the option for “Chroma Key”. This option is used if you have a colored background in your recorded video that you want to remove. Make sure that you even have the background of the video with specific color coordinates. Now what you have to do to remove the background is that you just have to click on the color bar in the chroma key, input those RGB color coordinates of the background color, and define the similarity level. You can leave the similarity option blank in the default settings if you are unaware of that value. Once that you are done with your video you can update it and check if it needs any changing. After that, you can adjust the value of similarity.

  • Volume:

    Below this heading is the heading for “Volume”. This is the volume of the video that you uploaded. The default value is 1. You can adjust its value according to your need. The maximum value that it allows is 1, you can reduce it or let it stay as it is depending on the actual volume of the video.

Intro Audio

The purpose of adding the intro audio is to clone your voice and say whatever you want the AI to say.

The thing that you first need to make sure of is that you use the same mic for audio recording that you used for video recording so that the AI audio matches your original audio from the video

What you will see under this header are two subheadings. One says “Audio URL” and the other says “Audio end at”

  1. Audio URL

    Under the first heading is a URL box similar to the ones that we have seen above, with some options under it.

    • The first option that you will see there is a storage icon. If you have a saved file of your clone voice that you want the AI to say, then simply go to the storage and select that specific file.

    • The next icon that you will see there is a mic button. This is a real-time audio recording button.

    • The third icon is the voice clone option, it will take you to your active voice clones. You can select your voice and speech from there.

  2. Audio end at

    After uploading the audio file you will see the next option is “Audio end at”. This is a necessary part while adding the intro audio. This is actually the time frame in the video where you want to place your intro audio. This is usually the start of the video and it clips till the time frame value that you put here in the box.

  3. Volume

    After that, you will see the subheading of the volume. This is the volume of AI audio which you can adjust according to your video volume. The default value is 1 for it. But you can adjust it to be any fractional or absolute value more or less than that.

Record Audio within preset

To record your audio on HIFY open the video preset and scroll to the intro audio part. There you will see a mic option under the URL box. Once you click on it, it will open a recording panel that shows two options on the top. One on the left is the Upload option and the other is Clear.

Below that you will see the timer and under that is a microphone sign displaying the record option. Once you click on it, it will start recording the audio and the timer will run. You will now see two other buttons instead of the mic button there. One on the left is the Stop button and the one on the right is the Pause button. You can pause and resume your recording anytime you like.

Once you record your audio you can simply click on the upload button to upload the audio that you recorded to the storage and add it to the URL box in the form.

Or if you are not satisfied with the audio that you have recorded then you can simply click on the second button saying “Clear” and clear the recording.

Background Audio

You might be wondering what else is left in the audio part. Well, here we introduce to you the background audio part. What this part does is that it plays a background music file, speech, or any audio that you want it to play with your video. it plays this audio file regardless of your background settings and throughout the video.

  • Audio File

    You can add this audio file using similar steps that we used above for the other file uploads using the cloud storage, or you can simply record new audio using the mic button that you see next to the storage button.

  • Background Volume

    You can adjust its volume as well from the “Volume” subheading. The default settings for it is set to 0.5 so that it does not overlap your original video volume.

Saving Preset

Once you are done with all the steps you are just one step to saving your preset and creating your first AI personalized video.

Simply scroll to the bottom and you will see 3 options below.

  • Update Preview

  • Create Video

  • Save Preset

  1. Update Preview

    The first one is the “Update Preview” button. This button gives you a preview of your edits on the preview screen above the preset form. Click on it and it will update the preview there to the latest edit that you did in the form.

  2. Create Video

    The second button that you will see is the “Create Video” button. This button queues your video to the dashboard and sends it to its creation. You will be able to see the queue on the homepage of the HIFY app and also on the dashboard of the website app.emeezo.com

  3. Save Preset

    The next button that is just below the create video is “Save Preset”. Clicking on this button will take you to a save screen where you will see the rename bar on the top and you can put any name you like to save your preset. After that, click on Save as new to save your progress into a file on the cloud.

Once the preset is saved you can see it below the line right there on the screen under the heading Update saved Presets and also on the front of the home screen of the app.