Home Video Creation How to Create Bulk Videos

How to Create Bulk Videos

Last updated on May 19, 2023

You can find the video for this article here: https://hify.io/v/How-to-Create-Bulk-Videos/

Load the data in Sheets

For this part make sure that you have two things. First of which is a google sheet, and the second is none other but the HIFY extension.

  1. Now for this the first thing that you need to do is open a Google Sheet where you want to create videos.

  2. Add all of your data in the sheet and adjust the headers accordingly. For example “First Name”, “Last Name”, “Audios”, “Screenshots”, “Profile URL”, or “Email” or whatever other data that you have.

  3. If you want any other type of data to be processed for the videos you can add the data relevant to your video requirements.

  4. If you have the data in any spreadsheet software you can simply import the data file from there in a “.csv” or any other supported file format.

Set Video Preset in Sheets

  1. Now the next step is by staying on the google sheet, opening the HIFY extension and login in to your account.

  2. Once you are logged in, you will see the “Dashboard” of the HIFY extension. Now open the preset on the basis of which you want to create the bulk videos.

  3. Now you have to scroll down to the point where you see the option for “Set Video In Sheets”. Click on it and it will take you to another page inside the app.

  4. If you haven't logged in using your google account it will ask you to sign in to your account first. Make sure that you login with the same google account where you have the sheet with all the data.

  5. Once you are done, it will show you a screen as shown below. You will be able to see two headings shown as “VARIABLE PATH” and “VALUE”.

  6. Now what you have to do is click on the box saying “Select a variable” and then select the variables from the dropdown list of variables.

  7. The variables having [0] with them are the variables of the first video, and ascending with consecutive numbers for the next videos. For example, for the second video it will be [1] and [2] for the third one.

  8. Select the variables you want to customize in every video. If you are using the default community template “Sales Video Generic” then there will be the following 3 variables that you can change:

    • Video

    • Background

    • Audio

      1. If you want the backgrounds to change, select the background property for that specific video part. Once you select it you will see a pre-written value in the Value box. If you want it to constantly shift from one to another, clear it and then click on the “Add header” option and you will see a list of the headers from the sheet. Select the column whose values you want to put as the backgrounds for the videos.

      2. Make sure that you have the url values for the backgrounds. If they are images they must be in an image format (i.e .jpg, .png, .jpeg, .raw, .bmp, .tiff, .heic) and if they are videos they must be in a video format (i.e .mp4, .mkv, .mpeg, .mov, .webm). The property for backgrounds is videos[ ].background.url. The brackets will have the number for the video as explained above.

      3. You don't have to add all the variables from the list, just the ones that you want to change throughout the videos.

      4. Again adding a new variable you will see that at the end of the list the variables for intro audio. This variable is for the audios that the AI voice clone created for each of your prospects. You can select the intro_audio.url property and then select the audio column as its value that you have created using the audio clone option.

      5. If you have recorded custom audios for the prospects, make sure the file format is a correct audio file format (i.e .mp3, .wav, .aac etc).

  9. If you have created a custom video template for yourself, you can select the variables that you have there to customize. It could be any value of the following types:

    • String

    • Number

    • Boolean

  10. Once you select your desired variables you will have to set their parameters and then define their columns from where their values will be fetched.

  11. Once you are done editing the values you can simply click on the “Set video template” button and it will automatically place the variables in the google sheet.

  12. Once it's done, check the variables in the sheet accordingly. there will be following headers:

    1. _EmeezoSettings

      1. This header contains the video variables that you just created using your video preset. They are also called mapped variables.
    2. _EmeezoStatus

      This header contains the status of the videos that are queued from that sheet. There are 3 states that the video could be found in:

      • QUEUED

        This tells that the video is queued for the creation process


        This means that the video is currently being created


        This shows the completed status of the video

    3. _EmeezoLandingPage

      This column contains the URLs of the videos created. They will be in the following format:

    4. _EmeezoVideo

      Under this heading you will be able to find the emeezo video file links that are being created. They will be in simple .mp4 format.

    5. _EmeezoThumbnail

      This header contains the thumbnails that are associated with every video. If they are gifs they will be .gif files. Otherwise they will be in picture format (.jpg)

Create Bulk Videos

Once you are done with the steps above now there is only one step to go. And that is creating videos.

  1. To create videos, open the google sheet where you have the mapped variables and then open your HIFY app. It will take you to the dashboard of the application.

  2. On the top you will see two small headings “Dashboard” and “Sheets” on the top.

  3. Go to the Sheets heading. It will ask you to login to your google account. Make sure that you login with the same account where you have the sheet with all the data in it.

  4. There you will see a list of options as follows:

    • Create Videos in bulk

    • Create Screenshots in bulk

    • Create Audios in bulk

    • Extract leads from SalesNavigator

  5. Click on the “Create videos in bulk” button and you will see two buttons, “Start Creating Videos” and “Start Updating Videos”.

  6. Click on the first one and you will be able to see that in a few seconds the videos start to queue. Once all of them are queued they will automatically stop. And as soon as the first video is queued it will start processing it.

  7. The parallel processing number for the app is 3. This means that it will process 3 videos at a time. Now you can sit back and have a sip from your coffee while the app does the work for you.

  8. Once the videos are queued, wait for a few minutes and then you can check their status right from the sheet and without going to the website dashboard. You might be wondering how. Just Click on the “Start Updating Videos” button and it will start to update them one by one and you will be able to see how many of them got completed and which ones are currently under processing. And like this you can check the completed ones and the number of videos that are left in the queue.