Home Video Creation How to use Zapier integration to create Videos Using Hify.io & Google Sheets

How to use Zapier integration to create Videos Using Hify.io & Google Sheets

Last updated on Sep 21, 2023

Hify.io is a powerful tool that allows you to create thousands of personalized sales videos in just a few clicks using AI. With its integration with Zapier, you can now automate the video creation process even further by using triggers from Google Sheets to create actions on Emeezo, a Zapier app, that will create a video for you.

In this tutorial, we will guide you through the steps to set up this integration and automate the video creation process. By setting up triggers in Google Sheets and actions in Emeezo, you can create personalized videos quickly and easily.

  1. Set up Hify.io and Google Sheets

    To get started, you will need to install the Hify.io chrome extension. You will also need to create a new Google Sheet and import the necessary data into it, including the prospect names, company names, and any other variables you want to use in your videos.

  2. Create a sheet and import your data

    Create a new Google Sheet and import your data into the sheet. You can either manually enter your data or use an automation tool like Hify.io to extract leads from LinkedIn Sales Navigator and populate your Google Sheet with the relevant information.

  3. Create a .json preset in Hify.io

    Now you need to create a .json preset in Hify.io. This preset will contain all the variables you want to use in your video. You can include variables such as the lead's name, company name, job title, websites, social profiles, intro greeting audio and any other information you want to use in your video.

  4. Set up your Zap

    To set up your Zap, you need to create a trigger in your Google Sheet. This trigger will be activated every time a new row is added to your Google Sheet. Next, you need to set up the action in your Emeezo app to create a video using the mapped variables from your preset.

  5. Set up a trigger in Google Sheets

    Once you have imported the data into your Google Sheet, you can set up a trigger using Zapier that will automatically create a video whenever a new row is added to your sheet. To do this, go to your Zapier dashboard and click on "Make a Zap". Choose Google Sheets as your trigger app and select "New Spreadsheet Row" as your trigger event. (Note: You can choose any trigger event that suits you). You will need to connect your Google Sheets account to Zapier and select the spreadsheet and worksheet you want to use.

  6. Create a video with Hify.io and Emeezo

    Now that you have set up your trigger, you can create a video using Hify.io and Emeezo. To do this, choose "Emeezo" as your action app in Zapier and select "Create Video" as your action event. You will need to connect your Emeezo account to Zapier and choose the video preset you want to use.

  7. Map the variables in your video preset

    To ensure that your video is personalized for each prospect, you will need to map the variables in your video preset to the corresponding columns in your Google Sheet. To do this, click on the "Map Custom Fields" button in Zapier and select the variables you want to use in your video. These variables could include the prospect's name, company name, job title, or any other information you have included in your Google Sheet.

  8. Test and activate your Zap

    Once you have set up your trigger and action, you can test your Zap to make sure everything is working correctly. You can do this by adding a new row to your Google Sheet and checking to see if a video is being created in Emeezo. If everything is working as expected, you can activate your Zap and start creating personalized sales videos at scale.

  9. Let Zapier automate the process

    Once you activate your Zap, you can sit back and let Zapier automate the video creation process for you. Every time a new row is added to your Google Sheet, Zapier will automatically create a personalized video for the lead using the variables from your Hify.io preset.

Scale up your outreach efforts

With the ability to create personalized videos at scale, you can significantly increase the number of prospects you can reach out to. With the power of AI and automation, you can save time and resources while still delivering personalized messages that resonate with your target audience. Whether it's generating leads, build relationships, or closing deals.